Diversity and Inclusion: The heartbeat of storytelling

Painting a picture of the world with every color imaginable, showing people from all walks of life, with all kinds of experiences, hopes, and dreams, making sure everyone feels like they belong in the stories we tell, not just as side characters, but as the heroes, the villains, and everyone in between.

For too long, the stories we’ve loved, laughed, and cried with have often felt like echoes of the same old voices. A world of endless possibilities, yet our screens and pages have been a rather limited reflection of it. It’s time to change that.

You’d agree with me that the entertainment industry has been slow to embrace diversity and inclusion. There are still too few opportunities for diverse voices to be heard, and there is a lack of representation in both on-screen and behind-the-scenes roles. However, there is also a growing awareness of the issue, and a growing demand for more diverse and inclusive content.


Diversity isn’t just about pretending everyone is the same, instead, It’s about embracing our differences and showing how those differences make the world a richer, more interesting place.

 It’s about seeing the world through countless lenses, feeling the pulse of different experiences, and understanding that every story is a universe unto itself. When we limit who gets to tell stories, we limit the stories that get told. It’s like trying to paint a masterpiece with just a few colors.

We want a character like ourselves but what we need are characters who don’t, because we need stories that challenge our assumptions, expand our empathy and starts conversations, when we see ourselves in a story, it feels too real to us and  more personal than it should be instead of it to be entertaining it becomes a YOU thing. Stories need to be about belonging, understanding, and recognizing humanity.

So, it’s high time you opened the door of imaginations so wide and free, in order to give space to voices that have been silenced because of your personal connection to it. Free yourself of it and let your creative mind work. Be creative, be diverse, be beautiful in your story writing and telling.

Diversity and inclusion are essential for creating compelling and meaningful stories. By embracing diversity and challenging stereotypes, we can create a more inclusive and equitable world for all.

Remember every story written, told or shown has the power to change the hearts, minds and the world at large. Be intentional.