“How a Nigerian fintech startup turned my scrolling into savings”

By Dami Oshodi 

The other day, I was scrolling through my phone just minding my business when I came across this intriguing tweet from this fintech startup I had heard about, but never really paid much attention to.

It wasn’t your typical product promo or company announcement. Instead, it was a simple poll, asking their followers a seemingly random question: “What’s the one money hack that’s changed your life?”

Interesting, so I decided to take a look. And as I started scrolling through the responses, I was blown away by what I saw.

People were sharing all sorts of personal stories and financial tips – everything from budgeting tricks to investment strategies to debt management advice. And the startup’s team was actively engaging, asking follow-up questions, and even highlighting their favorite responses.

It wasn’t just a one-way conversation. It felt like a vibrant, interactive community, where real people were connecting over their shared experiences and challenges around money management.

Impressed, I decided to dig a little deeper. I clicked through to the startup’s Twitter profile and started exploring their other content. Again, I was struck by how different their approach was compared to the typical fintech brands I was used to.

Instead of bombarding me with technical jargon and complicated product details, their tweets were conversational, relatable, and genuinely helpful. They were tackling common money issues that everyday Nigerians face, offering practical solutions and inviting their followers to share their own insights.

And it wasn’t just on Twitter, their Instagram feed was equally engaging, with behind-the-scenes videos, personal interviews with the founders, and even interactive quizzes to test your financial literacy.

The more I engaged with this startup, the more I felt like I was becoming part of a community, rather than just a consumer. They weren’t just trying to sell me their services. They were building real, meaningful connections, positioning themselves as trusted partners in my financial journey. “These people have seen customer” I said as I grinned to myself. 

So when I saw that they were hosting a free virtual workshop on savings and investment strategies, I didn’t hesitate to sign up. I wanted to learn, but I also wanted to be a part of the experience, to interact with the team and other participants in a deeper way. 

Because at the end of the day, that’s what the best communication marketing is all about. It’s not just about making sales. It’s about creating a sense of belonging, fostering authentic relationships, and making your customers feel truly seen and valued. And this fintech startup? They’re nailing it.